22 Maret 2013

Earth Hour 2013! (FemInd Project)


Haaaai semuaa :)
Guess what? Besok adalah Earth Hour, hari dimana kita harus mematikan lampu dan semua barang-barang elektronik hanya selama satu jam, tapi ini dilakukan oleh seluruh orang didunia lho :D Atau secara singkatnya, gerakan peduli Bumi selama satu jam. Ayolah, masa' cuma satu jam aja ada banyak komplennya? Aku mau ngerjain ugas lah, apa lah, peer lah, takut gelap lah. Ini cuma satu jam, bukan seribu.

Kapan itu Earth Hour?
Kamu harus janji bakal matiin lampumu sama semua barang-barang elektronik dirumahmu?
Iya? Oke.

Hari: SABTU 
Tanggal: 23 MARET 2013
Pukul 20:30 higga 21:30 WIB 

Dan, Grup FemInd Bloggers juga ga mau ketinggalan dong, makanya ketua yang sangat kece ini (kak ins) bermaksud untuk membuat sebuah project. Ayohayo yang udah jadi member FemInd Bloggers ikuut, ga repot kok :) Project ini seruuu banget tau, ga ikut nyesel. Ngaku sebagai seorang blogger yang peduli lingkungan, tapi kok, ga ikut project ini? Apa kata pak RT? *plak. Baideweei, mau tau caranya?
  1. Dandan yang cantik, pake aksesoris sama makeup pokoknya yang buat kamu lebih cantik(?) *kata kak ins xD
  2. Siapin kertas HVS yang sudah dibubuhi kalimat-kalimat unyu yang berhubungan dengan Earth Hour ini. (contoh: Aku blablabla sayang femind dan bumi ini/ayo selamatkan bumi ini, dll). Kertas boleh dari satu, soalnya foto harus lebih dari satu. Buat collage. Contoh: Gambar pertama bawa lampu nyala, kedua lampunya mati, ketiga sambil bawa kertas HVS. :)
  3. Siapin kameraaaa :D
  4. Foto-foto(?)
  5. Fotonya boleh di edit, buat semenarik mungkin :D
  6. Fotonya di upload ke grup FemInd Bloggers di Facebook, click here. (for members only) :)
[PS] Foto di upload paling lambat besok (Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013) pukul 13:00 WIB. Jangan sampai telat dan semangaaat! :D
[PPS] More info? ask; here or here. :D

Semangaaaaaat! ('-')9

16 Maret 2013

So I Don't Know What To Type.


1:30pm - Remind yourself that you're not a monkey.

Oh, hey. Kaomoji emoticon
Long time no see.
What? You're asking why can't I update my blog?
It's not my fault, ok.
Blame the school for giving me too much homeworks.
Sokay enough of all of this trashy stuff.Kaomoji emoticon

So there are five new students in my class. 2 Thai (Yuhunny a.k.a. the cool girl and Mayrika a.k.a the sweet girl), 1 Korean (saifullah a.k.a. the only person in my class that washed his wallet with his shampoo) and 1 Indonesian (Nobel a.k.a I don't know so much about him). And they all are just okay, yeah they are fine. So..... this is getting lame isn't it. Kaomoji emoticon But the horrible things happened in this week are uncountable; I left my wallet at the school bus, I left my communication book (read: the most precious thing a student mush have) two times (today is the second time) and I have to join two mathematics competitions. Or you can say one math competition (and it is really very hard for this monkey) and one Mathematics Olympiad. You feel me? Okay, maybe not. Kaomoji emoticon

So here is the list of people that joining the math stuff (I'm not really sure though):
  • Me :)
  • Sana
  • Rafii
  • Daffa
  • Zaky
  • Nobel
  • Nabile
  • ......and I'm sorry, I think I forgot. hehehe :b

So whatsoever, on last week, I think on Tuesday, we have Green Campaign; Fruity Tuesday. So the morning started with this chinese men giving a really you know, inspirative presentation and funny too though, about foods in the school canteen. Like, what food is healthy and what is not. Kaomoji emoticon

And yesterday, we just had a very very very very very nice presentation (or may I say amazingly wonderful) from the girls (I think they are in the university, but I'm not sure). They are talking about how muslim women should be. Muslim women should 'cover' their aurat, not 'wrap' it. It is VERY INSPIRATIONAL and thanks to them, because I skipped the first period of my class. Hohoho. Kaomoji emoticon

And other thing that I should say is that I don't really know why my class (read: 7 Al-Ghazali) get so very awesome. The are just so hilarious and I can't explain a thing. :'D I'm really happy because I'm a part of them (which means I'm awesome too though). And I'm truly blessed to have them in my life. Alhamdulillah. Subhanallah. I'm just so happy, I can't explain... Kaomoji emoticonKaomoji emoticon

This get so very awkward.....
And I don't know what to do.....
So okay, bye I think?
Ok byeee.

[P/S] Pardon me for this annoying post. :)
[PPS] I don't know when I'll come back :(
[PPPS] Sorry for random emojis Kaomoji emoticon
[PPPPS] Pardon me for this annoying PS :)