
بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 


me lol

» The Blog Author
Bonjour, je m'appelle Ersintya Swasthi Pramadhani, Sintya for short. An ordinary alien that planned to invade planet Earth human being that is having that thing called imperfect. An absurd and immature teenager and also a dream catcher. Many people think they know who I am, have fun trying to find out; because I don't even know myself yet.

"Don’t judge me if you don’t know me. And before you judge, look at how screwed up you are." 
Twitter @sintyaswasthi_ • Tumblr @ trail-of-happiness

» Website
• First post: January 2nd, 2011
• Name: Tanganku, Tulisanku
• Template type: Simple template
• Designed by: Sintya

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myfreecopyright.com registered & protected

» Awards
8/7/11--From: Feieva

8/13/11--From: Syifa Hana

1/5/12--From: Annisa

1/6/12--From: Altha

1/6/12 -- From: Mbak Fahma

1/7/12 -- From: Mbak Ratrii

1/10/12--From: Dinda

1/19/12--from: Urfi

9/9/2012--from: Kak Nada

9/9/2012--from: Kak Ann

9/9/2012--from: Kak Rosa

» Currently: 11 awards collected, thank you!